Friday, March 5, 2010

Quel temps fait-il? - What's the weather like?

This half term year 5 have been learning new words and phrases to describe the weather in French.
The children successfully made, tried and tested wind socks today, a quick and easy lesson that we all enjoyed.

In the Comments

Which weather were we trying to recreate?
  1. il pleut
  2. il neige
  3. il y a du vent
  4. il y a du soleil
What is it in English?

Has anyone tried to make a windsock at home?


  1. Il n'est pas venteux ici aujourd'hui!

    Windsor, Ontario, Canada

  2. Je crois qu'il y a du vent. Bienvenue `a twitter!

  3. We were trying to recreate il y a du vent
    in english it means the weather windy.

    I had lots of fun making the wind socks I cant wait to find out what we are doing next in french.

    From Laura Elliott

  4. il y a du vent in english it means the its windy.

    I like doing the wind sock when it blows it's my favoutie.

    From Ushanthi Illyas Elamer.

  5. I had fun making these windsocks! I like doing French I wander what we are doing next!
